Sam Bliden, MS Chemistry, Math & Chemistry Tutor
Tutoring is offered for homeschool, 7-12, college, independent study, and for persons seeking self-enrichment.
I emphasize study habits & test-taking skills.
I tutor both one-on-one and small groups.
$20/hr (other arrangements can be made for low-income households)
Appointments accepted for 11am until 10pm Mon-Thurs
& for 11am until 7pm Fri-Sun.
Call (206) 527- 3283 to schedule an appointment.
I have a new location:
4601 Phinney Ave. N. (NW corner of 46th & Phinney)
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I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I became man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Jalal ad-Din ar- Rumi
Translation of "I Died as a Mineral," by Arthur John Arberry, Classical Persian Literature (1994)
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